Joint Replacment Surgery

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Painful joints not only restrict the mobility of an individual, but also affect the quality of life. To ensure quality care to our patients, we have a team of well qualified and experienced joint replacement specialists and a team of dedicated rehabilitation consultants. We specialize in Replacement, Restoration and Revision of painful joints like Hip, Knee.

It’s easy to take your knees for granted. But a painful, stiff knee can keep you from doing the simple things in life, even walking without pain. Fortunately, you and your health care team can make a joint effort to return you to an active lifestyle.

Replacement surgery is safe, reliable procedure that can relieve your pain and stiffness and return you to most of the activities you enjoy.

Why Is Surgery Needed?

  • To alleviate pain
  • To restore lost function
  • To correct deformity bowed or knock knee
  • To improve the quality of life.
  • Swelling
  • Heat, warmth
  • Feeling of giving away, instability
  • Pain that interferes with daily activities

For Replacement, a short hospital stay of 3-5 days, including exercises and rehabilitation, is designed to return you to your normal lifestyle. Our goal is to give you a stable, pain-free joint to improve your quality of life.

Recovery times vary, but with replacement most patients return to their normal activities in 8-12 weeks.